which of the following is a measure of association used for categorical data

When analyzing categorical data, researchers often seek measures that quantify the relationship or association between variables. Unlike continuous data, which deals with numerical values, categorical data involves non-numeric attributes or labels. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some common measures of association used for categorical data analysis.

Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis

Categorical data analysis involves understanding the relationship between variables that take on categorical values. These variables can be nominal, ordinal, or dichotomous, representing different levels or categories.

Measures of Association for Categorical Data

1. Chi-Square Test of Independence:The Chi-Square test assesses the independence between two categorical variables in a contingency table. It compares the observed frequency distribution with the expected distribution under the assumption of independence.

2. Phi Coefficient :The Phi coefficient is used when both variables in a contingency table have only two categories. It measures the strength and direction of association between two dichotomous variables.

3. Cramér’s V Cramér’s V is an extension of the Phi coefficient for contingency tables larger than 2×2. It ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no association, and 1 indicates a perfect association between variables.

4. Contingency Coefficient (C)The contingency coefficient is another measure of association for contingency tables larger than 2×2. It is similar to Cramér’s V but is less sensitive to table size.

5. Kendall’s Tau (τ)Kendall’s Tau is a measure of association for ordinal categorical variables. It assesses the similarity in rankings between two variables, considering both the direction and magnitude of the association.

6. Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation (ρ) Spearman’s correlation coefficient is used to measure the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between two ordinal variables. It is based on the ranks of the data rather than the actual values.


In conclusion, when working with categorical data, it’s essential to choose appropriate measures of association to understand the relationship between variables. Whether analyzing nominal, ordinal, or dichotomous data, there are various statistical techniques available to quantify the strength and direction of association. By selecting the right measure of association, researchers can gain valuable insights into the underlying patterns and dependencies within their data.Stay tuned for more insights and analysis on statistical methods and data analysis techniques!

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